Saturday 2 June 2012

I finished the 3rd book in the Millennium series the other day. While it was nice getting to the end, I'm sad that there are no more books in the series. Bittersweet. I like that Lisbeth wasn't a completely likable character. I hate when they make the main characters too good. I like a little tarnish on them. I guess I'll have to settle for the Swedish films for now. I did watch the English language film before reading the first book, but I wish I hadn't. I prefer to read the book before watching the movie. 

I've asked people on twitter that I needed something new to read. I got some auto-responses that were lame, but also some interesting suggestions. One suggested Horns and it seems like a possibility. We'll see if I can find a copy. 

I'm trying to sew some tops for myself and it's going painfully slowly. It was to be expected since I'm doing it by hand, but I wish I had a sewing machine to do it on. Not that I know how to run one very well. :P I'll just keep plodding along and hope I don't lose interest before they're done. I have one done, but I wanted to make it longer. It is very thin so I couldn't wear it in public. But it would be great for pictures! :D

Cori ;)