Saturday 2 June 2012

I finished the 3rd book in the Millennium series the other day. While it was nice getting to the end, I'm sad that there are no more books in the series. Bittersweet. I like that Lisbeth wasn't a completely likable character. I hate when they make the main characters too good. I like a little tarnish on them. I guess I'll have to settle for the Swedish films for now. I did watch the English language film before reading the first book, but I wish I hadn't. I prefer to read the book before watching the movie. 

I've asked people on twitter that I needed something new to read. I got some auto-responses that were lame, but also some interesting suggestions. One suggested Horns and it seems like a possibility. We'll see if I can find a copy. 

I'm trying to sew some tops for myself and it's going painfully slowly. It was to be expected since I'm doing it by hand, but I wish I had a sewing machine to do it on. Not that I know how to run one very well. :P I'll just keep plodding along and hope I don't lose interest before they're done. I have one done, but I wanted to make it longer. It is very thin so I couldn't wear it in public. But it would be great for pictures! :D

Cori ;)

Thursday 24 May 2012

My friend came to visit last weekend. It was nice having her here. I wish I had gone to visit her, though. If I had I would have been able to see my family, too. My mom will be moving further away from me soon. I guess it doesn't really matter much since we're states away as it is. It is just easier if everyone I want to see is in one handy place.

I started reading the Girl Who Played With Fire, the 2nd book in the Millenium trilogy. It is faster-paced than the first book, but I don't know if I like it more yet. I'm a little over halfway through so I guess it's a little too soon to tell.

My site has been up for about a month now. It's still strange to believe. My life hasn't changed much, but I'm sure others think it has. I still waste my time playing silly online games and streaming tv shows/movies all day. I do need to set up a trip back to shoot more photos and videos soon, though. That is weird for me. I'm used to taking my own photos.

Cori ;)

Friday 18 May 2012

I need to do some youtube videos. I can't think of anything to talk about, though! Where should I start? I guess a welcome video of sorts. Like and introductory thing where I tell you about myself. Yes, that's a good place. :)

I got a lot of things in the mail last week. It was awesome. I like getting gifts and surprises!

Short blog, but I don't care! :P

Cori ;)

Tuesday 8 May 2012

I finished the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo a couple days ago. It was interesting and filled out more of the story than the English language film did, but it was very detailed. Maybe too detailed. I found my mind wandering in some parts. I have heard the second and third books are easier to get through. We'll see.

I have been watching random shows on Netflix and Hulu. Most recently I started Battlestar Galactica. I had never seen it and the first episode was pretty good. I'll keep watching it. I sometimes find series get boring a few seasons in. That's what happened when I was watching Lost and Supernatural. Like they took themselves too seriously and tried throwing out too many twists. Or they get so serious there's nothing but feeling sad afterward. I'll eventually finish them, but for now I'm seeking solace in other shows.

I'm really excited that people have signed up for It makes me smile like a fool. :D

Cori ;)

Thursday 26 April 2012

I've been playing Katamari Forever and my arms hurt! It's been a long time since I've played and my muscles aren't used to those motions anymore. I got stuck a few places, but played them until I beat those levels. I think I'm almost done, then I can go back and raise my scores on certain levels. It's so fun.

I'm really tempted to get DDR for the PS3 since my Wii broke. I had Wii Fit, but it was boring. I was debating between DDR and Wii Fit, but my roommate convinced me to go with Wii Fit. I wish I had gone with my first choice. Oh well, now it's broken so I can't use it anyway. But if I had it on the PS3.... And it's so cheap on Amazon right now. I just don't know if I'd actually play it. I did in college and it would get addicting, but I'm more lazy now.

It was so warm last week and now it's kind of cold. My fingers are frozen. :(

I want to buy some new clothes because I realized it's been about a year since I've done that. Well, besides one pair of jeans I got in October. I want to go on a shopping spree! I won't, of course, but I want to. :D


Tuesday 24 April 2012

Since posting my first blog, has went live. It's a big step for me and I'm a little nervous about how well it will do. But I'm happy. I've met some interesting and nice people and look forward to expanding the friendships. :D

I just finished the Hunger Games books. They were better than I expected, but the last book was a little disappointing in the end. Better than another set of young adult novels I read a few years ago, though. :P Next I'm reading the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I watched the English language film and I want to read the book. I'm sad I didn't hold out to read it before I saw the movie, though. I prefer to do it that way. After the book I'll probably watch the original film to compare to the other. I really wanted to read the book and I was pleasantly surprised when a friend gave it to me. They got it at work because someone left it there. Score for me! But I know I'll want the next ones in the series after it. I like to finish what I start.

Cori :D

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Welcome Post

Hey! I'm glad you found me here. I've been around different sites here and there so you might know me from somewhere else. Or you're just finding me now. Either way, I'm happy you're reading this.

I've been posting photos of myself online for about 7 years just for fun. I started posting in a group called Plus Sized Women on There were some amazing women in there posting photosets and they inspired me to do the same. I'm glad I did. It was very fun and allowed me a safe place to start my foray into the adult world. I did about 13 sets there over several years.

More recently I started my tumblr and began interacting with a larger group of people. Over time I've gained a lot of followers both there and on my twitter. I appreciate all the comments and messages I get on both of those.

Cori :D