Thursday 26 April 2012

I've been playing Katamari Forever and my arms hurt! It's been a long time since I've played and my muscles aren't used to those motions anymore. I got stuck a few places, but played them until I beat those levels. I think I'm almost done, then I can go back and raise my scores on certain levels. It's so fun.

I'm really tempted to get DDR for the PS3 since my Wii broke. I had Wii Fit, but it was boring. I was debating between DDR and Wii Fit, but my roommate convinced me to go with Wii Fit. I wish I had gone with my first choice. Oh well, now it's broken so I can't use it anyway. But if I had it on the PS3.... And it's so cheap on Amazon right now. I just don't know if I'd actually play it. I did in college and it would get addicting, but I'm more lazy now.

It was so warm last week and now it's kind of cold. My fingers are frozen. :(

I want to buy some new clothes because I realized it's been about a year since I've done that. Well, besides one pair of jeans I got in October. I want to go on a shopping spree! I won't, of course, but I want to. :D


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